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Board of Education Resolution
RESOLUTION FOR THE McCRACKEN MIDDLE SCHOOL SYMPHONIC BAND WHEREAS Skokie School District 73.5 has a tradition of musical excellence that extends more than 30 years, and WHEREAS the members of the McCracken Middle School Symphonic Band diligently practiced and accepted...
Board of Education Resolution
RESOLUTION POR THE McCRACKEN MIDDLE SCHOOL SYMPHONIC BAND WHEREAS, the Skokie School District 73.3 enjoys a long tradition of musical excellence, and WHEREAS, the members of the McCracken Middle School Symphonic Band diligently practiced over the summer months n preparation...
Skokie Village Board Resolution
WHEREAS, under the direction of Chip De Stefano, McCracken Middle School has proven to provide an exemplary curriculum in music; and WHEREAS, the McCracken Middle School Band was named the honor band, which is the equivalent of first place, at...