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Masterclass Notes

Notable Quotes What are you thinking about? Make sure your first sound is your best sound. Anticipate Beauty We don’t want to hear your favorite note! White notes sustain the music, black notes connect the music. WWs, you have a...
Posture Allows you to breath properly Allows you to think better and concentrate more Shoulders relaxed Back straight Hand Position Hands should be in a V shape as if looking through a telescope Embouchure Tongue in “Shhhhh” position Form embouchure...
General Considerations “Warming up the paper” The difference is whether you know something about the music before you play it or not. “Sing your lives through your instrument.” While describing how there are no wrong answers when dealing with interpretation:...
Balance Moving Parts – come out more It’s a musical conversation – we know when it’s time to add what we need to add Musicianship All music has direction Fast notes typically go to something Play like Colorado, not like...
Articulation There are two kinds of articulations: ? and ! ! comes at a price: more brain activity and more air Play ! especially at softer dynamics Mouthpiece Buzzing Very important Mouthpiece buzzing develops talent, ability and endurance Have the...
Breathing Have instrument ready before you play in order to get nice full breath. Relax stomach. Keep neck down very relaxed in breath. Picture breathing to the back of your ribcage. Practice breathing through nose to discover the feeling of...