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Developing Rehearsal Techniques
There is not another resource like this, and I was honored when Andy asked me to help contribute to it. Kjos Promotional Material When you rehearse a piece for the first time, how do you identify problems? How do you...
The Band Whisperer
I worked with Dave for ten years. He is a master teacher with the amazing ability to say the right thing at the right time (both to me and any ensemble he’s in front of) and saw this grow from...
The Artistry of Teaching and Making Music
On would be hard pressed to find someone who has had a bigger positive influence on our profession that Richard Floyd. His writings brilliantly encapsulate the magic and inspiration of his work on the podium GIA Promotional Material In the...
Rehearsing the Middle School Band
I’m very excited to be included in this extraordinary book. 12 of the most prominent elementary, middle school, and junior high school band directors in the United States share innovative ideas on program structure, recruitment, and rehearsal strategies for beginning...