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Random Thoughts for the end of April

Welcome to the continued documentation of my nervous breakdown.

That’s not completely the truth, although I’ve certainly had my moments…which won’t surprise anyone who knows me. I’m over the top most of the time anyway. In this case, though, I’m living a dream, and I’m desperate to make this experience as amazing as possible for my students.

Yesterday we performed at the Illinois Grade School Music Association’s State Contest. It was our first performance since our Midwest invitation. Kids played great, and the judges were very complimentary. At one point I several days ago I started to feel the burden of increased expectations…even if it was self-imposed. The kids are playing so well right now those fears have subsided. In case anyone is interested, our state contest repertoire was:

Pageant – Vincent Persichetti
Salvation is Created – Pavel Tschesnokoff, arranged by Bruce Houseknecht
Spoon River – Percy Grainger, arranged by Glenn Cliffe Bainum

If I may say so, that’s a great program. We’ll perform the same repertoire this Friday at the University of Illinois Superstate Concert Band Festival before preparing some new stuff for our Spring Concert.


We don’t have a formal parent booster group, but it was quite clear that a parent group would be very helpful as we approach the next several months. We had a very nice turnout for our first meeting. I spoke at length about the significance of being asked to perform at the Midwest Clinic…about what it means to me personally and what it means to the program.

Several different Midwest “sub-committees” will form within the larger group:

Makes sure all pertinent information gets to the people it needs to get to. Publicity, etc…

Coordinate all fundraising activities. Grant-writing. Pursue sponsorships of various costs.


Document event. Collect and organize everything related to our performance. Prepare written account of Midwest Clinic performance. Keep minutes of meetings

Photograph event and preparation. Make photos available to families.

Videotape everything. Make a video keepsake to be given to all the kids.

McCracken is closed this summer because of asbestos abatement, we’ll be moving a good portion of our band room to our elementary school.

Arrange a Midwest party for the current Symphonic Band. This group of parents will also arrange meals during our band camp, organize a January band banquet, and organize other distractions from the intensity of our Midwest preparations.

Auditions for next year’s Symphonic Band are now three weeks away. Several kids are doing very well, but it’s starting to look like the band may be a little smaller than I had originally hoped. Hopefully, the kids I’m concerned about will start to kick it in gear…they’re running out of tomorrows if they’re serious about making the band this spring.

The second Midwest Memo deals primarily with repertoire selection and our tentative performance times. It’s always fun to see an envelope from the Midwest office in my box.

I’m really looking forward to the June meeting.
