The Letter
“Enjoy one of the best feelings you will ever have! No pressure yet, just the honor!” ~ Don Shupe (Libertyville High School)
The room erupted when I read the letter. I’ve never quite seen anything like it…at least not in my classroom. I was completely caught off guard by the reaction. My response earlier that morning was quite different, more of a stunned silence. It’s remarkable that our little school band can receive such an honor. It’s amazingly humbling and exciting every time I read Kelly’s letter.
My only sadness, and I’m sure many of my colleagues will have similar thoughts, is for the students who are graduating and won’t be performing with us next December. This particular class of 8th graders has been particularly special. In this class we have kids who have performed in demonstration groups at two Midwests, performed at three Illinois All-States, the MENC North-Central in Ann Arbor, three performances at the Illinois Superstate Concert Band Festival…and now a Midwest Clinic invitation to perform. They have really set the bar very high for future McCracken students and have left an extremely positive and substantial mark on our program. To top it off, they are genuinely excited about our school’s invitation in spite of the fact that they are disappointed they won’t be performing with us. Great kids.
It’s funny how rehearsals have kicked up a notch since the invitation. We have a significant performance three weeks from today at the University of Illinois Superstate Concert Band Festival. They’ve really allowed me to push them harder than ever in our preparations. I don’t know if they are reflecting me or are truly more focused and driven. It doesn’t matter. As long as it continues I think the end of this year could be remarkable one for the Symphonic Band.