2024 Beginner Band Enrollment 2024-25 Beginner Band Enrollment Student Name * First Student Last Name Last Parent Email * Other parent contact information will be pulled from PowerSchool. Additional Parent Email for Mailings? Student Grade * 4th Grade 5th Grade Classroom Teacher (Homeroom - 4th Grade) * Dr. Acevedo Ms. Hampton Ms. Huerta Ms. Kinsella Ms. Silva Classroom Teacher (Homeroom - 5th Grade) * Ms. Carlstrom Ms. Ellis Mr. Gloede Ms. Harris-Ridker Ms. Scurek Beginner Band rehearses Thursdays, 3:05 PM - 4:00 PM in the Middleton Gym beginning December 5. Following Beginner Band after school rehearsals on Thursdays (beginning December 5), my child will: * Walk Home Be picked up by parent/carpool Is in the SPACE program and will go to SPACE following rehearsal Take the Middleton Late Bus (enrichment route) Skokie School District 73.5 charges a $61 fee (covers the whole year) for participation in our band program. This fee can be paid via Revtrak following registration. (The fee does not cover instrument rental.) Instrument fitting and selection will take place on September 26/27. Anything We Should Know? Electronic Parent Signature (type) * Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.